But who is counting...War Eagle!
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
The things he says...
Lately James is non-stop talking. He is really taking in the world around him and his logic provides so much entertainment for us. It seems everyday he is saying something new that is completely hilarious. I wanted to jot down a few of my favorite examples.
1) One day I was assisting James after he went potty.
James: Don't flush it. I want to flush it. Don't flush me.
Me: I am not going to flush you.
James: If you flushed me that would be a DISASTER!
2) I was in the kitchen getting our things together for the day while James ate breakfast. We had the TV on in the background and sometimes one of us is singing along with a commercial we have heard numerous times. This time I happened to be the one singing. James smiled at me and then said, "Momma you crack me up"
3) Lately we have really been working on the differences between he and she. James usually refers to everyone as "he". So we explain boys are "he's" and girls are "she's". So we are dining at our usual Mexican spot one night. There is a large group of Harley riders at the table next to us. A guy at the end of the table is wearing the typical "Harley rider" attire and has long gray/black hair that is braided in a pony tail. James very loudly says, "Momma that he is a she!" Thankfully the restaurant is loud so I don't think he heard him.
4) James still sleeps with a sound machine. The other night the power flickered and turned the sound machine off. James was upset and called for his daddy to turn it back on. The next morning he gave his daddy the recap of the night.
James: Last night my sound machine turned off while I was sleeping and I was like "I give up" then I cried for you and you turned it back on!
5) The other morning I knelt down with Luke in my arms to help James button his shorts. James wrapped his arms around both of us and said "I love you guys" He looked at me "I love you and I love you" looking at Luke.
1) One day I was assisting James after he went potty.
James: Don't flush it. I want to flush it. Don't flush me.
Me: I am not going to flush you.
James: If you flushed me that would be a DISASTER!
2) I was in the kitchen getting our things together for the day while James ate breakfast. We had the TV on in the background and sometimes one of us is singing along with a commercial we have heard numerous times. This time I happened to be the one singing. James smiled at me and then said, "Momma you crack me up"
3) Lately we have really been working on the differences between he and she. James usually refers to everyone as "he". So we explain boys are "he's" and girls are "she's". So we are dining at our usual Mexican spot one night. There is a large group of Harley riders at the table next to us. A guy at the end of the table is wearing the typical "Harley rider" attire and has long gray/black hair that is braided in a pony tail. James very loudly says, "Momma that he is a she!" Thankfully the restaurant is loud so I don't think he heard him.
4) James still sleeps with a sound machine. The other night the power flickered and turned the sound machine off. James was upset and called for his daddy to turn it back on. The next morning he gave his daddy the recap of the night.
James: Last night my sound machine turned off while I was sleeping and I was like "I give up" then I cried for you and you turned it back on!
5) The other morning I knelt down with Luke in my arms to help James button his shorts. James wrapped his arms around both of us and said "I love you guys" He looked at me "I love you and I love you" looking at Luke.
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
No words
James decided Mr. Potato Head needed to wear his play safety goggles. However since they are made to fit a child size head James had to improvise.
James is still waiting for the day Luke wants to play with Sheriff Woody...maybe if Luke stares at him long enough from his play yard he will grab one. There are plenty to choose from.
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Luke - 3 Months
From May 3rd to June 3rd has only been a month but SO much has happened/changed in this month it is amazing. In order to condense this post I will give bullet points...

- Spent first night away from Luke - not really by choice (had to attend a wedding out of town where no children were allowed on Mother's day weekend) wasn't thrilled about it at first but ended up really enjoying the break and full night's rest.
- He has began showing signs that he may be a thumb sucker. I am trying to make him prefer the paci by removing his thumb and replacing it with a paci but not sure if my efforts will deter.
- He sat in his bumbo seat for the first time and didn't seem to mind it.
- He is grabbing for toys and hanging on to them for a short period of time.
- He is holding his head up really well and has great control of it.
- At 10 weeks Luke began sleeping in his crib (in his room upstairs...) - We slept in the guest room upstairs for the first week one so I wouldn't have to make too many trips upstairs during the night and two because I really wasn't ready to be that far away from him during the night.
- At 11 weeks Luke began sleeping through the night!! I think the combination of his own space and increasing ounces for night time bottle did the trick. Now to clarify my sleeping through the night is 9pm- 5:30 am. At 5:30am I retrieve him from his bed and put him in ours and he continues to sleep for another hour or hour 1/2 .
- At 11 weeks we heard his first out loud giggles. It is the cutest most precious little sound. The giggles are still sparse and he sometimes startles himself by the sounds but I am sure they will come more often.
- At 11 weeks he went to the beach for the first time and it was our first family of 4 mini vacation (reference previous post) I will say I forgot how much you have to pack for a baby no matter how many days you are staying. Our car looked like we were staying for weeks but it was really a short 2 day trip.
- Luke is gradually losing his newborn hair and poor thing has small patches left in the back. New hair is starting to come in and it is definitely blond just like big brother.
- At 13 weeks just shy of his 3 month birthday he started day care and I returned to work. It has been an emotional week for me to say the least. I am physically at work but mentally not there yet. I miss him like crazy during the day but picking both babies up in the afternoon is the best. He is in great hands and seems to be doing really well according to Mrs. Heather. I know he is charming her with his smiles. We still have some work to do to figure out the most efficient way to get all of us out the door without it seeming so chaotic but I am sure that will come with time.
- At 3 months Luke weighs approximately 16 lbs. He is drinking 6 bottles a day and hates to take a break to burp. He has the best demeanor and is so happy all of the time. Chad had a weekend deep sea fishing tournament over Memorial day weekend and Anna and I took both children to Orange Beach on Sunday to wait for him to return. James was so excited about seeing his daddy return we just couldn't leave even though it was late. It was way past Luke's bedtime and I had no bed time bottle and it was only 95 degrees. He never made a peep!
Nana and Papa B came for a visit!
Sweet brothers
Luke's official 3 month photos. This is usual smile so big and loving those dimples.
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