Friday, August 12, 2011

Luke 4 and 5 months

So since I have neglected the blog this summer I also missed Luke's 4 month summary and Luke's 5 month summary and since we are approaching 6 months in just a couple of weeks I thought I would combine months 4 and 5.

4 months - 17lb 15 oz and 27 1/2 in long. 95th percentile in both
5 months - 19lb 6 oz and 27 1/2 in long
 - Strangers seem to comment on how "fat" he is. Yes I realize he is big, real big. But I think it makes it easier to snuggle with him and I catch myself often just squeezing his chunky legs. I love every fat roll on his body :)
New things:
(combining 4 and 5 months)  
  •  Started using the exersaucer and loving it at 4 months. At 5 months he can pull the taller hanging toys down to make the lights and music come on.
  • Reaches for everything. Loves to grab onto hair and not let go
  • Loves looking at himself in the mirror. I realize he doesn't recognize that it is him but he loves it.
  • Started to sit up for short periods of time. Once he loses his balance it is over and he face plants
  • If I am holding him and he gives someone a big gummy grin he then buries his face in my arm as if he is bashful. It is the cutest
  • He has started moving around in the crib. Lay him down vertically and we sometimes find him laying horizontally or his head on the opposite end of the bed facing different direction. Keep in mind he is still swaddled arms and all
  • He loves for ANYONE to sing to him. Like seriously loves for you to sing. His favorites at the moment are Patty Cake, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes, and Rolling in the Deep by Adele. Yes I realize the last one is not really a children song but he laughs every time.
  • James stills completely adores and loves him but over the last month the feeling is most definitely mutual. Luke constantly watches him and laughs at him often even when James is not trying to make Luke laugh.
  • At 4 months he got in the pool for the first time. He is still indifferent but doesn't seem to mind it too much.
  • It is amazing how much hair he has grown from 4 months to 5 months. You may be able to tell from "chair" pictures.
  • He is still the sweetest and happiest baby I know. He has definitely stolen all of our hearts and I could not be more proud of our precious baby boys.

Not sure Luke loved having these toys cover his eyes but James thought it was funny
Trying to figure out what is going on here??
His future girlfriend Presley
Luke's 4 Month Picture

By far my favorite picture thus far of James and Luke (as you can tell I added it to the blog header)

Luke loves to join story time in James room
Luke's 5 Month Picture

This smile gets me every time! Luckily he gives them often :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Summer in Pictures

Obviously it has been awhile since the last "real" post. I guess you could say I have taken a blog hiatus. Apparently, working a full time job, raising 2 young boys, having a crazy summer has left no time for the blog. I thought I could do it but I can't. I have managed to take some pictures throughout the summer so I will briefly summarize our summer as imagine I do not have much time at the moment for a long post :) I had planned on having several posts for some of the events below but decided to consolidate.

Trying to stay out of the heat by going to the pool often

For those that may remember I posted earlier in May that James was traumatized going under water when he went to the pool for the first time this summer...he is over it.
Our 2nd annual fireworks show in our driveway

Celebrating our 5 year anniversary in Rosemary Beach without children :)
We left our hang up clothes at home leaving us to have to purchase outfits to wear to dinner thus we "borrowed" these bikes from the condo we rented instead of renting cruiser bikes. The seats on the bikes left our rears very sore that we didn't notice our legs being sore from so much exercise. Ha!

James doing a little exercise to keep up (iphone photo)

Chad got on a bike kick after our beach trip so James got a big boy bike! The Huffy Rock It.

His first fall. Maybe I am terrible for taking a photo but it was pretty funny. He obviously was not hurt.

Chad managed to find his bike that has been in storage for 8 plus years at a friend's parents' house. Ha!

Love this picture of Chad and Luke after dinner one night.

Luke loving his brother's shades

James and gobbles


Our wonderful sitters!!

Great friends celebrating Erin and Connie's wedding. Somehow we left out Connie.