So yes my mind starts thinking...this is WAY too much space we dont need all this! But it could be fun. The house was great very well decorated with a contemporary beachy style. Well as I am taking a few pics of the house before our stuff takes over I hear the doorbell!! Surprise #1 Lorie and Jody! Yay! And then a few minutes later Jeanna and Jennifer!! Yay! And Lorie brought this delicious cake below (from Edgar's yes strawberry cake!!)
Chad has the biggest grin on his face. He was so proud of himself and I was so proud of him too! And it was not over yet. the four girls before dinner...
The 6 of us head to dinner at the Old Florida Fish House in Seagrove. Great place by the way!! After dinner we decided to hang out at the bar and listen to their house band and around 10:30 Julie, Corey, Lea and Russ arrive. I was completely shocked. I now had all my closest friends with me to celebrate my birthday!! How perfect!! The picture below is from that night shortly after Julie and Lea arrived. Not the best pic of me (apparently I thought something was pretty funny) but I thought it captured how much fun we had that night.

All of the girls!!
The handsome boys!
Saturday Seaside was hosting the Seeing Red Wine Festival (the main reason why Chad and I wanted to go this particular weekend). Jeanna, Lorie, Chad and myself bought tickets and the rest of the gang watched the AL vs LSU game at a local pizza place. The wine festival was so much fun!! The weather could not have been more perfect, we tasted lots of really good wine, the food was delicious and we met some funny people. This day was definitely the highlight of the weekend. A few pics from the festival below...

This is the weather we had the entire weekend. It was absolutely perfect!! Who wouldnt want to go to the beach in November when it looks like this!
This was definitely the best birthday celebration I have ever had and the memories we made will never be forgotten. I owe it completely to my thoughtful husband. He planned this trip with all of my closest friends just for me. He said in his initial email to the group that he has thought about what he could get me for my birthday and the only thing he knows I love but do not have is lots of time with my friends. How sweet is that!! I am the luckiest girl in the world. He spent the time searching for a place and coordinating all the details with everyone and I had NO clue!! Kind of scary when you think about it :) Chad, anything else I need to know...
Also this weekend would not have been possible if my friends had not made the effort to come. I am so grateful to you all for leaving your babies behind, taking time off work and making the long drive to the beach to celebrate my birthday. Words cannot express how much it meant to me that you all were there! It goes to show you that distance and time apart doesn't change a thing when you have such wonderful friendships. That weekend it felt like Auburn and Bham again and we never left :)
And one last little story...On our way out on Sunday poor Corey was taking out the trash and a glass bottle sliced open his leg and they had to make a trip to the local ER before heading home. 11 staples!! Sorry Corey but I guess you will have a small scar that will always remind you of this trip!!
My favorite post yet!!! You are so talented at writing. I'm glad you decided to "just blog about it."