So our 4th of July plans derailed due to Chad's work requiring him to be in Panama City last minute on Friday the beginning of the 4th weekend. We were planning to head north to Birmingham to visit family and do a little shopping but instead Chad headed to Panama City and James and I stayed home. We got a call from Chad Saturday morning saying he got us a room for the night in Destin for James and I to pack our things. I was thrilled to head back to the beach but also thrilled we were not going to spend the entire weekend at home. Within a few hours we sitting in the sand watching the waves crash without the company of oil or tarballs...Peaceful
We were up early the next morning so we headed to Baytowne for breakfast.
The weather was more than perfect as we sat outside for breakfast. There was a constant cool breeze with hardly any humidity. It definitely did not feel like July 4th. We had a few guests join us for breakfast...
Ever since Chad took James to see Toy Story 3 while I was away with the girls we have had a slight obsession with Buzz and Woody to put it mildly. They go everywhere with us and provide entertainment for us during our dining outings.
After breakfast we packed up our stuff and headed home. We considered staying another night because the weather was SO nice but I had left Baxter outside with plenty of water and food and knew he would be fine for one night but 2 might be stretching it. I was afraid the neighbors might call the humane society on us. On our way home Chad made a quick stop by a fireworks stand and picked up a few things. He didn't get too much because we feared James may not like fireworks and they would end up in the trash. HA! We were wrong. He loved them! And I am pretty sure Chad had just as much fun as James did. I am afraid next year we will have bigger and better fireworks!
Yes people before you go calling DHR we let our 2 year old hold his own sparkler. Not to worry one of us was very close by the entire time. He began drawing circles in the air with his sparkler and the end of the circle came a little too close to the bottom of his shirt for me and it was all over. I believe my panic mode kicked in while the camcorder was rolling...need to be sure and delete that scene as it might be a little embarrassing for me to watch :) It turned out to be a great weekend despite the change in plans!