Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fruits and Flowers, or Appliances

Today, July 8th 4 years ago I married my best friend. And yes it was July 8th not July 6th for some of family members, whom I will not name here, who got a little confused this year. It was one of the happiest days of my life. The emotions you feel that day are indescribable and I wish it was possible to go back and relive that day. The past 4 years have been great to us and each year has been pretty significant thus far. We have had our good times and our bad times but we have definitely grown together and stood by each other on numerous occasions. Marriage is so very hard but is also so very rewarding and I wouldn't have it any other way. The traditional anniversary gift for 4 years is fruits and flowers and the alternate is appliances?? Who comes up with this stuff? Either way I did get flowers today which is a RARE occasion...I guess he has been reading up on his traditions or he got really lucky...I am thinking it is the latter :) I guess I will be purchasing Chad some fruit (?) on my way home from work. Here is to 4 wonderful years and I can't wait to see what is in store for many more!

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful picture and I am sooo happy for you! Can't to see yall this weekend! Love and miss you!
