Friday, September 10, 2010

Happy Friday!

Even though this is a short week I feel like it was so long. I am glad it is Friday. Today I have to say I am a very proud mom. 3 reasons why:
1) James had his very first on stage (a big one at that) performance last night with his class from school at the school's fundraiser event. His class sang and danced to "The Wheels on the Bus". I will have to say James and one other child did the best (trying not to be bias). But most parents were talking about how great James did so it made me feel so proud! James danced and did the proper motions for the whole song and was right in front. Chad and I were wondering what he was going to do and we thought he might just freeze once he was on stage in front of so many people but he "hammed" it up! I did not take any digital photos :( but we do have it on video. Once it was over I told him how proud of him I was and that he did so good...his response " I wanna go home and play with my Buzz and Woody". Well ok then. Worked out well for us because we were ready to run home too because the Auburn game against MS State had already kicked off. I will have to say Chad made a huge sacrifice to miss part of the game for James' debut. Most of you know how big of an Auburn football fan he is, he did leave immediately after James came off stage in a separate car. 
2) I think we can officially say James is potty trained!! We have not had one accident in 3 weeks. It literally was like one day it all clicked and he never looked back.
3) I also think we can officially say the paci is gone gone! I didn't really plan on this one (if you can imagine that) but this past Monday night after we got back home from Birmingham and unpacked I did not put his paci back in his crib. Well that night when I put him down I think he was so tired he just didn't ask for it so I didn't offer it up. The next night he asked for it and Chad told him he gave it to the babies at school and he claimed he was a baby (good try) but eventually gave up and went to sleep without it. He asked for it again the 3rd night but didn't put up a big fuss. We are now on 4 nights without it with no sleeping problems at all. I am thinking this was way too easy.

I am having talks daily with baby #2 because I am afraid he/she may give us some payback. Potty training and giving up paci were way too easy with James so this one has some big shoes to fill!

I hope to start a Labor Day weekend post soon but work keeps getting in the way...


  1. Ahhhhh!!!! I can not believe you didn't take photos of James singing/dancing. I would have LOVED to see those! I'm sure his expressions were priceless. Guess I'll just have to watch the video next time I see you:)

  2. the paci pushback is the cutest! So cute that he said he was a baby. I know that is the direction I am headed.

  3. HAPPY FRIDAY IT IS!! I am so proud of James for doing so good in the play. Wished we could have been there. Yes he is becoming a big boy just in time to be a Big Brother and he will be the best Brother.
    Love you
