Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Chad!!

Yesterday we celebrated Chad's 31st birthday! Unfortunately he had to work while James and I were at home. I am working from home this week due to James day care being closed for the holidays. So James and I had a lot fun making a German chocolate cake for his birthday (his favorite). Now you will notice from the pics below I did use a box cake mix for the cake but that icing IS homemade :) James was such a big help especially with cleaning the mixing bowl and the mixer things. I know they say it is not safe to eat raw cake batter because of the eggs but I always did it as a kid and never got sick so I figured just a little taste or 2 wouldn't hurt! 

We met Chad for a great dinner at Stix where the man makes the fire according to James. It really was so much fun. When we got home we sang Happy Birthday as seen above and opened presents. However we did not eat the cake. Chad has been a little under the weather and James started running a fever yesterday afternoon so neither one wanted a piece of cake. It is still sitting in our fridge untouched :) However it may be our dinner tonight as the egg cooker is feeling worse today and hasn't made it out of the bed. My other child is still running a fever. This New Year's Eve night will be much different than last year for sure! I really hope they both get to feeling better soon. We finally have a weekend at home to ourselves and an extra day off work. I want Chad to be able to enjoy it and I am dying for adult conversation...being a stay at home mom with a sick husband to boot is tough! 

Sidenote: It has been nice to be at home this week and play with our new tech gifts from Christmas. We have really moved up in the world as far as technology goes...we got a flip video (thus the reason for the video added above), we got an iPad and a new MacBook Pro! Now if I could only figure out how to properly use all 3 :) 

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