Exactly on Luke's 6 week birthday he gave us his first precious smiles. Seeing that sweet face makes all those sleepless nights all worth it!! How could you not fall in love with this little guy?
We took Luke to the doctor this past week for his 1 month check up even though he was close to 6 weeks and he weighed 11lb 13oz and was 22 3/4 in long. Definitely in the 95 percentile for both height and weight. He skipped to the next line on his growth chart. He is our little chunky baby and I love it. This past week was a busy week in our house. We had Luke's appt, my 6 week follow up (and Luke tagged along), and our first family photo session as family of 4. It went pretty well just lasted a little longer than I expected as newborn sessions usually do. Chad was thrilled. You know how he loves having pictures made :). I think the photographer got some really great shots. I can't wait to see them!
Makes you want to just squeeze him. We are so blessed with our two beautiful grandsons.