Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Pregnancy Brain is Real

Pregnancy brain or momnesia is what some people relate to the many bouts of forgetfulness women may have while pregnant. Some people will argue that the pregnancy brain is a myth. Well I am here to testify that it is in fact real. I usually for the most part have it together. Here lately a few incidents are evidence that I in fact do not and I am starting to wonder if I should be left alone to care for my child. I have a list of a few examples below:

- One morning found a full sippy cup of milk in the cabinet under neath the kitchen sink right next to the Clorox clean up.
- Arrived at work and went to put my sandwich I had made at home in the refrigerator only to find that I had taken 2 slices of bread, spread mayo and mustard on each side, added a piece of cheese, and some how forgot to add the turkey.
- The same day I forgot the turkey, I went to instant message a friend at work to discuss another co-worker's inappropriate actions and actually typed the message to the co-worker I was writing about and hit enter. I went into panic mode. The co-worker was actually talking with someone else outside of my office so I quickly walked to her desk clicked on the message I had written and immediately closed it out so she  could not see it. I didn't really think through this response as she could have walked up as I was clicking on her computer and wonder what the heck I was doing. Fortunately that did not happen and I passed her on my way back to my office. She said a friendly hello and I said hi luckily she could not tell my heart was about to beat out of my chest.
- Reset my password to my work computer prior to leaving for the holidays and tried to log in this morning and I was totally at a loss as to what I had changed it too. I tried several combinations and nothing worked. This resulted in me calling our IT group to reset and then had to actually make a trip to the office in order for the password to reset.
- Over the holidays I completely left my cell phone in Birmingham and didn't realize it until we were in Montgomery. For 24+ hours I felt so out of touch with the world. Thank goodness for overnight mail and for my mom for using it. It arrived today still in tact...whew!

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