Saturday, June 25, 2011

The things he says...

Lately James is non-stop talking. He is really taking in the world around him and his logic provides so much entertainment for us. It seems everyday he is saying something new that is completely hilarious. I wanted to jot down a few of my favorite examples.

1) One day I was assisting James after he went potty.
James: Don't flush it. I want to flush it. Don't flush me.
Me: I am not going to flush you.
James: If you flushed me that would be a DISASTER!

2) I was in the kitchen getting our things together for the day while James ate breakfast. We had the TV on in the background and sometimes one of us is singing along with a commercial we have heard numerous times. This time I happened to be the one singing. James smiled at me and then said, "Momma you crack me up"

3) Lately we have really been working on the differences between he and she. James usually refers to everyone as "he". So we explain boys are "he's" and girls are "she's". So we are dining at our usual Mexican spot one night. There is a large group of Harley riders at the table next to us. A guy at the end of the table is wearing the typical "Harley rider" attire and has long gray/black hair that is braided in a pony tail. James very loudly says, "Momma that he is a she!" Thankfully the restaurant is loud so I don't think he heard him.

4) James still sleeps with a sound machine. The other night the power flickered and turned the sound machine off. James was upset and called for his daddy to turn it back on. The next morning he gave his daddy the recap of the night.
James: Last night my sound machine turned off while I was sleeping and I was like "I give up" then I cried for you and you turned it back on!

5) The other morning I knelt down with Luke in my arms to help James button his shorts. James wrapped his arms around both of us and said "I love you guys" He looked at me "I love you and I love you" looking at Luke.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! The sound machine is the best story is so funny.
