Thursday, November 11, 2010

Birthday Celebrations, Halloween and More

Ok I have so many pictures to go through that I want to post on here before time gets away from me. This is going to a long post with lots of pictures. Hope it is not too boring. We have been on the road ALOT lately which has provided good quality family time but also has caused us to almost kill each other on several occasions :). Anyway we had an opportunity to stay home Halloween weekend when had already planned to be in Birmingham so we jumped on it and persuaded my family to come visit us. 1) Because we needed to celebrate mine and Aunt Anna's birthday (we have the same birthday, Nov 2nd hers much more significant than mine this year. she turned 21!! I took a friend's advice and stopped counting at 29) 2) Because Papop so graciously finished James headboard for his big boy room and I really wanted it to finally be set up in James future room plus I couldn't wait to see it. So Friday night Chad and I treated the birthday girl to dinner. It was not a wild and crazy 21st celebration since I couldn't truly "celebrate" with her but it was fun none the less. Saturday we began assembling the big boy bed.

I love how it turned out! Papop did an awesome job and exceeded my expectations. I know James is going to love it especially since it was made by Papop just for him. We still have some things to add to the room and still need to actually move James in and let him sleep in his new bed!! Crossing our fingers that transition goes fairly smooth! I will post more pics once the room is complete.

Saturday night Chad cooked a wonderful dinner on the egg of course...starting with buffalo wings (anna's favorite) and the main course, steak fajitas. I made her favorite dessert, pumpkin bread, not a traditional birthday cake but it was her request! And during the night James enjoyed a surprise visit from these special guests
Buzz and Jesse

Big Buzz and Little Buzz

Have I mentioned my parents can be crazy?? We couldn't stop laughing and James LOVED it. The Buzz's were flying around the house and constantly shouting "to invinity and beyond". James was disppointed when they took their costumes off...

The next day was Halloween and Big Buzz, Jesse and Aunt Anna had to head home before we began our Halloween festivities. This year since James is totally obsessed with Toy Story and each character (buzz, woody, jesse, rex, ambians (aliens) and mr. potato heads we decided to create a Mr. Potato Head pumpkin instead of actually carving one. There was no mess (makes me happy) and James thought it was a great idea!

That afternoon we had a little photo opp in front of our house before heading over to the Parks' house for chilli and trick or treating!
I thought he made the cutest Buzz Lightyear ever!

Trick or treating started off a little slow. James can be a shy little guy sometimes...

However once he realized he was getting real candy (have I mentioned the child gets so excited about candy??) he was running or should I say "flying" from house to house thanks to his way cool jet pack with wings that light up :)... 

On the morning of my actual birthday I was greeted with this...

This little guy tests me everyday but moments like this are why he has me wrapped around his finger.


  1. Loved the post! I've been waiting to see pictures from Halloween and I had no idea your mom and dad dressed up as Jesse and big buzz! That is the best! James is just adorable and I wish I could see him more! Love the last picture of him so sweetly carrying your... um- what is it? Is it a cinnamon roll?

  2. Awww love the post! I know where he gets his love for candy from...might have to start checking in the couch cushions soon! Love you
